martes, 12 de julio de 2011

UNICEF webpage link update and translation

This is an update for the link to UNICEF

It seems that the old link is not taking unique donations, so please use this one :)

To help you with the spanish

Click Donacion Unica (Which means one time donation)
Write down the amount of PESOS that you want to donate

Then Personal data
Sex M (male) F (female)
Nombres - Names
Apellidos - Last name
Calle y numero - Street and number
Colonia - Neighborhood (just write a diagonal line)
Ciudad - City
Estado - Estate (only applies if you are in Mexico)
CP - zip code
Pais - Country
Fecha de nacimiento - Birthdate
Telefono casa - Phone number
Telefono officina - Office phone number
Correo electronico - Email
que lo motivo a donar - What motivated you to donate (pick "invitacion de algun amigo")

Card data
Tipo de tarjeta - Kind of card
Debit o credito - Debit or credit
Numero de tarjeta - Card number
Codigo de seguridad - Security number
Fecha de vencimiento - Valid until
Banco emisor - Bank (pick "no aplica" for banks outside of Mexico)

Do you wish to have a receipt?
(only aplies if you live in Mexico, so click no)

And accept the terms and conditions of UNICEF

Enviar - Send

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