It seems that the old link is not taking unique donations, so please use this one :)
To help you with the spanish
Click Donacion Unica (Which means one time donation)
Write down the amount of PESOS that you want to donate
Then Personal data
Sex M (male) F (female)
Nombres - Names
Apellidos - Last name
Calle y numero - Street and number
Colonia - Neighborhood (just write a diagonal line)
Ciudad - City
Estado - Estate (only applies if you are in Mexico)
CP - zip code
Pais - Country
Fecha de nacimiento - Birthdate
Telefono casa - Phone number
Telefono officina - Office phone number
Correo electronico - Email
que lo motivo a donar - What motivated you to donate (pick "invitacion de algun amigo")
Card data
Tipo de tarjeta - Kind of card
Debit o credito - Debit or credit
Numero de tarjeta - Card number
Codigo de seguridad - Security number
Fecha de vencimiento - Valid until
Banco emisor - Bank (pick "no aplica" for banks outside of Mexico)
Do you wish to have a receipt?
(only aplies if you live in Mexico, so click no)
And accept the terms and conditions of UNICEF
Enviar - Send
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